I was really hoping things would start working better for Gary. He's had a lot of shit to go through as of late, His mom went into the hospital in like February/March, his brother boned him on something related to a house, his dad got diagnosed with some weird blood disease... but Gary is a lot like I am, just take what you can take, and do stuff as best you can, and it will work out in the end because that's what you told it to do.
I think Eric blames me for freakin out a few times... like how G went missing for a few months... (he was in the hospital). And how we hadn't heard from him in a while.... his dad got diagnosed with the whole blood thing ( it was like a month ago)
I worry about shit.... sorry, Its my fuckin job lately. I left Radioshack to go to NYC. I have no income right now, and my hands are tied. I would like to be in some form of communication with people so I know what the fuck is going on.... WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE A PROBLEM ACCEPTING THIS? Why do I get the "stop freakin out" look? I swear, the man is lucky i don't snap while he sleeps.... or G may only be picking one person up.
let me throw somethin out at ya:
When someone you need to be able to contact, is unreachable, and doesn't respond to any form of communication, what do you do? worry.... then what? freak out a bit...then what? freak out more.... and that's about as far as it goes.
Yes I was worried about G and I was also kinda pissed because he didn't call or anything for at least a couple weeks. NOW, I am a pretty understanding person, and when E told me the news about G's Dad, then I was like, Oh, OK, but I still wish he could have called at some point.
Call, Text,email, BBM (blackberry stuff), PIN (blackberry stuff)
there are a lot of ways....
or you can call my house, and leave a message for both E and me to here.
It could have been simple, but I know he is also a pretty busy person. There is no reason to blow up at me for being more than slightly concerned.
ANYWAY... so I'm chillin for another couple of days, I really just want to go now.... get this tension and shit out of the air so we can all move on with our lives... I know raven wants to have me stay (or go with), but honestly, it just makes things that much harder later on. I know that, I'm pretty sure she knows that, but I also know its hard to resist.
This place is gonna be lonely, and I really hope she has people over, gets together with friends... etc. because she is much more of a social person than I am. I'm human, but the fact is, I don't need as much person-to-person contact as I think she does. I have also done this whole long-distance thing quite a few times, and sadly, I'm actually used to it.
::thinking:: Maybe this is some kind of defense mechanism or something. I do better with long-distance than face to face... who knows... but it is an interesting observation.
well, that's it for now... hopefully by Saturday (the 4th) I'll be in NYC, and I'll post from there. I do love the fireworks, dunno if I'll be able to see them... but good stuff nonetheless.
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