Saturday, December 16, 2006

News... not exactly good news, but news nonetheless

Yeah, so I just wanted to keep all of my intrigued readers (Yeah right!) up-to-date with more "unlucky events"....

1. Laura and I broke up... there really isn't much to explain, and what I could explain, I don't want to post here, its not appropriate nor does EVERYONE I know, need to know the details. (most probably wont care anyway)

2. Work sucks... the only benefit is that we just were able to hire another person on.... PT, but whatever, its another body on the floor... and she's pretty intelligent, which in electronics retail, is nice. HOWEVER, we are still going to be loosing a FT associate on Jan 14th for school... so we need more people.

3. Okay, so something good.... ::thinks really hard:: I still have friends and family (even though I really haven't seen them in over a year, not counting the one day that I registered my car).... ::Thinks so hard he has smoke coming from his ears:: Svetty has been running well... though I do say, I still haven't re-paid my mechanic yet, as things around here have only gotten more interesting..... yeah, now my head hurts.... I'm not going to think anymore

okay, so yeah... that's it for now... onward to some music or something

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