Saturday, September 02, 2006

In other news... and an update to "... And now a history...:"

I didn't really forget, but I wanted to add on one more thing that has been bothering me lately... and I don't want to edit the original post (that way anyone that actually READS my rants... aka posts :-) doesn't get thrown for a loop).

So, this issue I speak of... yeah, I haven't seen my Mom, Dad, Step mom, Step dad, and siblings for over a year now. This has been eating at me slowly, I am a bit homesick, and miss EVERYONE in NY... even my friends in NYC (whom I haven't seen in about 5 years now), Yeah, I talk to people there all the time... but I am sick of feeling like I live in NH, I want to go back so bad its killing me... but I can't get the time. I really can't afford to take my vacation time, and not to mention, its Radioshack policy to not allow paid vacation time in the 4th Quarter (it is the busiest time of year and all). Either way, I am going to have to drive back as soon as I get my car back, no matter what, my inspection was due in July... and if I don't do it soon, I am going to get a NASTY fine on the NYS Thruway, even though it really isn't my fault... but you try to explain that to a state police officer. Whether or not it is only for a day or 2, I have to get home.... and if I can take someone with me that would be good... not only can they see a little bit of where I came from, and meet my family (I have met Mike's family, Mar's family and Laura's family... yet none of them have met mine!). I would also like a road companion for moral support... that drive brings back a lot of memories that frankly, I would rather leave in the past.... and its a long enough drive anyway (about 5.5 to 6.5 hours depending on how many bathroom stops), I don't really want to have a mental breakdown on the road... it tends to end pretty badly.

So that was pretty much what I wanted to add to the other post....

In other news... I am doing an inventory tomorrow at my store... I hope all goes well, I can't remember how things went last inventory, but I can definatly say that I am NOT a morning person... and rolling out of bed tomorrow @ 5am does not sound like a good idea at the current moment. But hey, if I can get there by 630, I figure Steve and I can start slamming coffee, and as soon as I'm at least half-way alert..... on to the "Parts Drawers". The back room should be mostly counted as well as our outside storage unit by the end of business today. Cool... a little less work for us to do tomorrow.

I gotta say... all in all today was pretty good... I narrowed down my issues with my car, (at least a little bit), and even though my 20" monitor died.... sortof... I mike let me borrow his other 17" for the time being (he's borrowing my 15" for his Mac). I think I am going to see if I can figure out EXACTLY what is wrong with the monitor (blown component) I know its a power board issue... but can't tell any further than that. Damn I want a couple of 20" LCD Panels :-)... preferably 3, thatway I can take advantage of my Video Card and have one hell of a work space!

well... thats it for now... I think :-P

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