Thursday, September 07, 2006


Okay.... so, good news... long time in a while.

My Saab is running!
I followed some well placed advise (Steve!), and went back to where I started from. The first thing I did, was change the fuel filter after the car had died.... well, until today, I never noticed that the line was kinked. Its such a small BLACK line *just like everything else on the bottom of the car* I didn't even notice that it was kinked... ::Takes Steve's foot off and kicks himself in the ass:: well, anyway, so my new nickname @ work is now "Fuel Line" and there were all these lovely posters all around the store today when I walked in.... (there was only one on the sales floor... on the front door) it just makes me wonder how many people went "What the fuck?!?" when they walked in :-)

But yeah, there's one minor glitch to my car running.... it doesn't like to idle now... SO! what I am going to do is put all of MY stuff that I took out, BACK into the car (the 2 computers and such) and see what happens... the only thing that I did, that may have a negative impact, was that I cleaned the Mass Airflow Sensor with Carburetor cleaner (as recommended by a Saab enthusiast) ... and I think that will correct itself with time (I hope).

And now that it is running, I can actually take it back up to my mechanic in VT, and have him figure it out if need be! Hell, I am going to build him a new computer anyway, might as well make it all in one big trip :-)

so yeah, I'm fucking psyched!
and Steve.... you were right, enjoy!
(and yes, I can admit when I am wrong)

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