Sunday, September 17, 2006

So... all is going well... for the moment anyway.

Okay... so, I survived the week of hell that my manager went on vacation... I think I lead the store into a sales loss... and yes, it is partially my fault, I was too busy trying to make sure all the operational shit got done to be on the floor and selling.... though I did at least support my staff, but when there are only 3 people (*including myself*) plus 1 person per day from another store.... it gets a bit tiresome.

I knew what kind of work it would be to keep things right, espically with all of the things that could have happened this week. Our store is one of the 3 in the 30 store district that is going to get a re-model, which includes a bunch of things, but mainly there is a lot of prep work in our situation, that HAD to get done.... well it did... but that required me to be not so "on the sales floor" for most of the week. We got audited, and failed with a 76% (passing is 85% and higher), partially my fault, but if we didn't have help from Pat @ 1137 (who loves to do the tedious shit) we wouldn't have done that well. ANYWHO... so yeah, at least Steve didn't come back and start yelling at me (my day off was his first day back). I kinda know he wanted to because there were a few things that piled up, and a couple I forgot about, all in all.... I think I at least did okay.

So, now that all of that happiness is over... I come back to my place in concord tonight (first time in 4 days), and it is even worse than it was 4 days ago.... as far as... CLEAN. Yeah, so I immediatly start cleaning (after coming home from work mind you), and throw out 6 30 Gallon trash bags of shit, and now just sit down (an hour and a half later) to write a bit, and realize I BARELY EVEN DENTED the amount of built up shit!

I don't know why I expected this place to be clean, but I figured they would get tired of sitting in filth and get their lazy asses up and actually do something about it.... man was I wrong.... it just got worse. So earlier on last month, we all kind of had an agreement... we would have our own little sections of the apt. to clean, which kind of worked out... my area didn't get TOO horrible, and the computer room (at least my area of that) didn't get more than a few things piled up.... ::looks around:: yeah, I really can't say the same for theirs.

In other news, Svetlana is running wonderfully still... getting great gas mileage, and no more little quirks (like an "ERR" on the EDU, or some wierd brake light issue on the EDU). So thats one thing going well right now.

Laura is doing good, she's stressed because of her current living situation, but other than that, that is one more thing that is going well for me.....

Just waiting for something to go wrong here... it all seems too well.

Well, TTFN

Friday, September 08, 2006


Okay, didn't think my mood could get any better today... but I figured out the issue with the idleing.... and FIXED it :-).

It was because I had my mechanic's JETRONIC computer (Fuel Injection/LH computer) in the car instead of mine.... I switched it out before i got some fast food... and POOF! it runs like a goddamn top.... beautiful... just fucking beautiful!

Nighters... gotta get an early start tomarrow... 11:00 - 9:15

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Okay.... so, good news... long time in a while.

My Saab is running!
I followed some well placed advise (Steve!), and went back to where I started from. The first thing I did, was change the fuel filter after the car had died.... well, until today, I never noticed that the line was kinked. Its such a small BLACK line *just like everything else on the bottom of the car* I didn't even notice that it was kinked... ::Takes Steve's foot off and kicks himself in the ass:: well, anyway, so my new nickname @ work is now "Fuel Line" and there were all these lovely posters all around the store today when I walked in.... (there was only one on the sales floor... on the front door) it just makes me wonder how many people went "What the fuck?!?" when they walked in :-)

But yeah, there's one minor glitch to my car running.... it doesn't like to idle now... SO! what I am going to do is put all of MY stuff that I took out, BACK into the car (the 2 computers and such) and see what happens... the only thing that I did, that may have a negative impact, was that I cleaned the Mass Airflow Sensor with Carburetor cleaner (as recommended by a Saab enthusiast) ... and I think that will correct itself with time (I hope).

And now that it is running, I can actually take it back up to my mechanic in VT, and have him figure it out if need be! Hell, I am going to build him a new computer anyway, might as well make it all in one big trip :-)

so yeah, I'm fucking psyched!
and Steve.... you were right, enjoy!
(and yes, I can admit when I am wrong)

Saturday, September 02, 2006

In other news... and an update to "... And now a history...:"

I didn't really forget, but I wanted to add on one more thing that has been bothering me lately... and I don't want to edit the original post (that way anyone that actually READS my rants... aka posts :-) doesn't get thrown for a loop).

So, this issue I speak of... yeah, I haven't seen my Mom, Dad, Step mom, Step dad, and siblings for over a year now. This has been eating at me slowly, I am a bit homesick, and miss EVERYONE in NY... even my friends in NYC (whom I haven't seen in about 5 years now), Yeah, I talk to people there all the time... but I am sick of feeling like I live in NH, I want to go back so bad its killing me... but I can't get the time. I really can't afford to take my vacation time, and not to mention, its Radioshack policy to not allow paid vacation time in the 4th Quarter (it is the busiest time of year and all). Either way, I am going to have to drive back as soon as I get my car back, no matter what, my inspection was due in July... and if I don't do it soon, I am going to get a NASTY fine on the NYS Thruway, even though it really isn't my fault... but you try to explain that to a state police officer. Whether or not it is only for a day or 2, I have to get home.... and if I can take someone with me that would be good... not only can they see a little bit of where I came from, and meet my family (I have met Mike's family, Mar's family and Laura's family... yet none of them have met mine!). I would also like a road companion for moral support... that drive brings back a lot of memories that frankly, I would rather leave in the past.... and its a long enough drive anyway (about 5.5 to 6.5 hours depending on how many bathroom stops), I don't really want to have a mental breakdown on the road... it tends to end pretty badly.

So that was pretty much what I wanted to add to the other post....

In other news... I am doing an inventory tomorrow at my store... I hope all goes well, I can't remember how things went last inventory, but I can definatly say that I am NOT a morning person... and rolling out of bed tomorrow @ 5am does not sound like a good idea at the current moment. But hey, if I can get there by 630, I figure Steve and I can start slamming coffee, and as soon as I'm at least half-way alert..... on to the "Parts Drawers". The back room should be mostly counted as well as our outside storage unit by the end of business today. Cool... a little less work for us to do tomorrow.

I gotta say... all in all today was pretty good... I narrowed down my issues with my car, (at least a little bit), and even though my 20" monitor died.... sortof... I mike let me borrow his other 17" for the time being (he's borrowing my 15" for his Mac). I think I am going to see if I can figure out EXACTLY what is wrong with the monitor (blown component) I know its a power board issue... but can't tell any further than that. Damn I want a couple of 20" LCD Panels :-)... preferably 3, thatway I can take advantage of my Video Card and have one hell of a work space!

well... thats it for now... I think :-P

Svetty getting better, but still not there yet... and other car shit

OK... so today so far has been pretty good, after jaunting around town looking for a product that apparently didn't exist, I gave up and did things my way (which can sometimes be really effective, but others... well, not so much).

I went around looking for a fuel pressure testing gauge, a few brass hose fittings, and some clamps (not really a big deal... or so I thought). Apparently, the way that I was instructed how to check fuel pressure, is obsolete. What I know, is to cut the fuel line right next to the fuel rail (for injectors)/
carburetor pop a brass "T" in the line, put another hose off from the "T" and hook up the gauge, and crank the engine over and see what kind of pressure you have....

WELL, not so anymore... according to
almost everyone I talked to today, there should be a valve on the fuel rail that you can "just tap right into" with the little kit they sell for 39.99.... yeah, NO. There is no fucking little valve, I have checked a few times... so kind of depressed, I got some dunkin donuts (aka, DI-DO's :-) ), and thought about it for a little bit. There is a bolt on the left side of the engine (if viewed from the front of the car), that attaches to the fuel pressure regulator, and the fuel return line. SO... if all things are well, there SHOULD be pressure behind this bolt. So I take my socket wrench, and a pair of sunglasses (to shield myself from gasoline @ 30-35 psi) and break the bolt loose.... nothing happens.... so I take the bolt OUT... peer into the fuel rail..... to see just a little bit of gas, with ABSOLUTELY no pressure behind it. So I crank the engine over a bit, let some pressure build and then repeat... once again, NO fuel pressure...

So, in conclusion, there is almost no doubt in my mind right now that the fuel pump is the cause of the no start.

I also did something else today, I swapped the DI/APC computer and the JETRONIC computer back to mine that way if she does start, it will be with MY computers... and I can DISTINCTLY hear the DI Cassette doing its "Shower of Sparks" after I key-off the ignition and pull out my key..... that makes me happy, at least I know the DI that Chris (my wonderful mechanic) gave me to test works.... and it also tells me that MY DI/APC computer works.... YAY!

Anyway, I still don't know how to actually remove the fuel pump, I can get to it through the back hatch... it has an access panel (which I imagine this makes things a little easier), but to actually remove it.. yeah, I need some instructions or something. The shitty part about that, is that there are 2 different fuel pumps that were used in that model year, and they are VERY different in price and connections. One is about $400-$600 (Bosch) and the other is $150-$250 (Wurst), and they are NOT interchangable. I really don't even care how much they are, but its just a matter of whether or not that will solve all the problems... I think it will... like I said, there is VERY little doubt in my mind that it won't but there is still a little bit.

Subject change... (sorta):

Even though I need new rear speakers in the car, I sat down for a little bit turned on the stereo, and cranked it :-). That is definatly one thing I miss about Svetty the most.... she sounds freakin magnificent, not a lot of power, no extra amps or subs or anything... just a bit of my tuning (which is border-line professional if I do say so myself :-) ) and a good selection of classical and modern music. I can't wait 'til she is running again, and that is one of the many reasons (and is fairly high up there too). I drive anywhere from 75-120 miles per day, and I really don't mind listening to the radio, but I REALLY have to get my girlfriend a good antenna (hers broke) and possibly a halfway decent head-unit (maybe with a CD player... or even a tape deck that works!)... not just because I am a nice b/f, but because if I am going to borrow her car for much longer (hopefully not... but hey, ya never know), I might get a case of road rage and snap and kill someone..... (j/k...... maybe :-) )

anyway... enough of that.... moving along....